RelaxTools Addin for Excel 2013/2016/2019/Office365(Desktop)


Windows7 になってから「゜」「゛」が文字化けするようになってたみたいですね。

'文字化け対応StrConv(vbUnicode, vbFromUnicodeは使えません)
Public Function StrConvU(ByVal strSource As String, conv As VbStrConv) As String

    Dim i As Long
    Dim strBuf As String
    Dim c As String
    Dim strRet As String
    Dim strBefore As String
    Dim strChr As String

    strRet = ""
    strBuf = ""
    strBefore = ""

    For i = 1 To Len(strSource)

        c = Mid(strSource, i, 1)

        Select Case c
            Case "゜", "゛"
                If (conv And vbNarrow) > 0 Then
                    If c = "゜" Then
                        strChr = "゚"
                        strChr = "゙"
                    End If
                    strChr = c
                End If
                strRet = strRet & strConv(strBuf, conv) & strChr
                strBuf = ""
            Case "゚"
                Select Case strBefore
                    Case "ハ" To "ホ"
                        strBuf = strBuf & c
                    Case Else
                        If (conv And vbWide) > 0 Then
                             strChr = "゜"
                            strChr = c
                        End If
                        strRet = strRet & strConv(strBuf, conv) & strChr
                        strBuf = ""
                End Select
            Case "゙"
                Select Case strBefore
                    Case "カ" To "コ", "サ" To "ソ", "タ" To "ト", "ハ" To "ホ"
                        strBuf = strBuf & c
                    Case Else
                        If (conv And vbWide) > 0 Then
                            strChr = "゛"
                            strChr = c
                        End If
                        strRet = strRet & strConv(strBuf, conv) & strChr
                        strBuf = ""
                End Select
            Case Else
                If Asc(c) = 63 And c <> "?" Then
                    strRet = strRet & strConv(strBuf, conv) & c
                    strBuf = ""
                    strBuf = strBuf & c
                End If
        End Select
        strBefore = c


    If strBuf <> "" Then
        strRet = strRet & strConv(strBuf, conv)
    End If

    StrConvU = strRet

End Function
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